
About Me

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My name is Edwana Adams, I am a Certified Hypnotherapist. My interest and studies does not stop there, I am currently studying at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in the Associate of Occupational Studies Degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology my goal is to become a Holistic Practitioner, introducing to those who are seeking a Positive & Healthy Lifestyle - the pathway to achieving it. . I have been a Vegan for 11 years. I believe that Whole Health consist of body, mind and spirit. With my interest in Holistic Nutrition and Life-Coaching, makes me a sincere advocate of nutrition with a definite commitment to health and wellness. These days, labels proclaiming an item to be a “healthy choice” have been added to everything from sugary breakfast cereals to processed frozen dinners.It is my belief that thought proceeds substance. In other words, before a person can initiate a change in his or her life, they must first initiate a change in their mind.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thought Proceeds Substance

Studies show that depression, negative emotions, thoughts and feelings release poisoning toxins within the body, which are dangerous for health and can cause illnesses as well as shorten a person’s life span.  How do you avoid this from happening?  The answer is, positive thinking. Through positive energy, a person can achieve the ability to heal by reducing stress and emotional pressure. 
How a person thinks has a major impact on his or her mental attitude as well as physical health.  Do to the fact that the unconscious mind is influential in the structure of habitual behavior, many have chosen the use of hypnotherapy to implement positive thoughts, overcoming the negative thought pattern; using guided relaxation and concentration. Hypnotherapy causes long-term mental change; which in return can improve a person’s life, through positive thought enabling the body the opportunity to heal itself of illness and stress.  "Thought Proceeds Substance"
Hypnotherapy is used in a number of fields including psychotherapy, surgery, dentistry, research, and medicine. Hypnotherapy is commonly used as an alternative treatment for a wide range of health conditions, including weight control, pain management, and smoking cessation. It is also used to control pain in a variety of conditions such as headache, facial neuralgia, arthritis, burns, musculoskeletal disorders, childbirth, and many more. Hypnotherapy is being used in place of anesthesia, particularly in patients who prove to be allergic to anesthetic drugs, for surgeries such as hysterectomies, cesarean sections, certain cardiovascular procedures, thyroidectomy, and others. Dentistry is using hypnotherapy with success on patients who are allergic to all types of novocaine drugs. Hypnotherapy is also useful in helping patients overcome phobias.
Hypnotherapy is used for nonmedical patients as well as those who wish to overcome bad habits. Hypnotherapy has been shown to help those who suffer from performance anxiety, such as in sports, and speaking in public. In academic applications, it has also been shown to help with learning, participating in the classroom, concentrating, studying, focusing attention span, improving memory, and helping remove mental blocks about particular subjects.
In more general areas, hypnotherapy has been found to be beneficial for problems such as motivation, procrastination, decision making, personal achievement and development, job performance, buried or repressed memories, relaxation, and stress management.

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