Greetings! I would like to welcome you to my site. I hope that it brings you peace - love - happiness and understanding.

About Me

- Edwana Adams
- My name is Edwana Adams, I am a Certified Hypnotherapist. My interest and studies does not stop there, I am currently studying at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in the Associate of Occupational Studies Degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology my goal is to become a Holistic Practitioner, introducing to those who are seeking a Positive & Healthy Lifestyle - the pathway to achieving it. . I have been a Vegan for 11 years. I believe that Whole Health consist of body, mind and spirit. With my interest in Holistic Nutrition and Life-Coaching, makes me a sincere advocate of nutrition with a definite commitment to health and wellness. These days, labels proclaiming an item to be a “healthy choice” have been added to everything from sugary breakfast cereals to processed frozen dinners.It is my belief that thought proceeds substance. In other words, before a person can initiate a change in his or her life, they must first initiate a change in their mind.
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